Rogelia Cruz

Rogelia Cruz was born on August 31st of 1941. She was a college student (architect) and queen of beauty. She was known in Guatemala for her social involvement at that time… Rogelia was a fighter and brave. Remembered as a martyr of the revolution. In her youth she was a swimmer and a ballet dancer. Rogelia graduated as a teacher.

In 1995 she lost both her parents and moved with her 2 younger sisters with her grandmother. In 1959 she won Miss Guatemala and participated in Miss Universe.

She was known to be a socialist, so she was part of the revolutionary fight and helped to transport people and weapons. She was captured in 1967 for unjustified reasons, and on January 11th 1968, her body was found with signs of torture. Nowadays she’s still remembered as a brave woman who fought for her ideals.

Ethny Handbag wears the name inspired by Rogelia Cruz, who contributed to the development of the country.

10% of each sale is donated to artisans and local organizations to improve life and work conditions.